Coach's Corner With Justin and Ethan
Welcome to "Coach's Corner with Justin and Ethan," where your health and fitness journey gets a simplified makeover! Join Justin and Ethan, two seasoned coaches with a combined 30 years of experience, as they navigate the labyrinth of health and fitness, unraveling myths from facts to guide you towards success.
In each episode, we dive headfirst into the vast world of well-being, shedding light on weight loss, dissecting diet fads, exploring diverse workout styles, and fine-tuning the often overlooked aspect of mindset. Our mission is to demystify the complexities surrounding health, making your journey not only effective but enjoyable.
Get ready for a lively and informative conversation that feels like a chat with your favorite fitness buddies. Justin and Ethan draw upon their extensive experience, sharing real-life stories from working with thousands of clients. No stone is left unturned as they break down what really works and what's just another fitness fad.
Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner taking the first steps toward a healthier lifestyle, "Coache's Corner" is your go-to source for practical insights, debunking myths, and embracing the joy of the journey. Tune in for a fun and engaging exploration of the truth behind health and fitness, and let Justin and Ethan be your trusted guides to a healthier, happier you!
Coach's Corner With Justin and Ethan
Personal Responsibility in Shaping Lifelong Vitality
Can you imagine discovering the secrets to not only a long life but a truly vibrant one? Join us as we unlock the mysteries of the "fountain of youth," where looking and feeling great are entwined in the journey toward longevity. We explore the surprising ways a little vanity can serve as a powerful motivator for healthier habits, leading to profound benefits like enhanced gut health through increased dietary fiber. Our conversation focuses on the vital art of maintaining a robust lifestyle, emphasizing how simple choices in diet and exercise can have transformative effects.
Taking charge of your health is more important than ever, and we delve into the practice of personal responsibility in creating a lifetime of wellness. Learn how balancing body fat, growing muscle mass, and incorporating daily physical activity can greatly impact your life quality and expectancy. With genetics a mere backdrop, resistance training emerges as a cornerstone for reducing mortality rates, especially for seniors. We discuss the significance of finding personal exercise routines that suit individual lifestyles to prevent burnout and promote sustainable health.
And just when you think the conversation couldn't get more intriguing, we embark on a journey through the realm of quantum mechanics. From the simple act of sitting and standing without support as a measure of longevity to ancient practices that preserve mobility, discover how movement influences our lives as we age. Dive into the captivating world of quantum leaping, where cutting-edge theories promise to reshape our understanding of reality. Tune in for these engaging discussions and more, as we bring you the latest insights into living longer and healthier.
Welcome to Coach's Corner. This is episode 43. I am your host, justin Scallard, and I'm Ethan Wolfe. And today, guys, we're going to share with you a recent discovery. It turns out that Ethan and I have discovered the fountain of youth. It's true, I've been sipping yeah, as you can tell yeah. So we're going to break down how one can not only extend their life, make their life longer, but improve the quality of life. Because one thing, if you're just like hopped up on meds and propped up, yes, but you might make it to 80, but you're, you know, barely hanging on by a thread versus like living a nice, full, active, strong life through middle age and in advanced years.
Speaker 2:I would almost say that the latter right, that the quality of life for the years you have, matters more than you know, because if you live from 80 to 100, but those are different- the last 20 years.
Speaker 1:You're like getting your butt wiped by, like some you know live in nurse like hmm.
Speaker 2:But if you could take it from 60 to 87 as robust and quality, full of quality.
Speaker 1:That to me is important, totally, yeah. And then you know, look good and feel good along the way. Yeah, so win-win fountain of youth, right it's all about really looking good.
Speaker 2:You know, if you look, life's good you know there's truth to that.
Speaker 1:I tell people all the time like they're like well, I don't want to sound vain. I'm like, no, be vain, it is. You know what. It just so happens that you're that being a little vain. It also has really positive things associated with it. You're gonna eat better, you're gonna drink more water, you're gonna get better sick because you want to look good. Yeah, I mean, it just shows you're a bad person, but it's okay. But just on the inside, the outside, the outside, you look great.
Speaker 2:Your heart is doing awesome. Your heart is yeah.
Speaker 1:Your physical heart. Yeah, yeah, yeah, your physical heart.
Speaker 2:No, there's a saying which I understand isn't necessarily absolute, but it was always a favorite saying is that appearance is a consequence of fitness. Yep, and I think the like what we're talking about is that to chase an appearance isn't a bad thing, but that, to some degree, how you appear is going to be based on just your overall level of health and fitness. And so it's one of those things that I think, taking that, that statement, and attaching it to the idea that it's okay to want to look a certain way, you know, within reason we live in a physical world.
Speaker 1:I mean, like what motivates someone to take action on anything you like? Catch a glimpse in yourself in the mirror and your like hair's all like natty and you've your beard's overgrown, your guts hanging over your belt. You're wearing sweatpants that have coffee stains on it. It's like, oh no, I can't you're not gonna work.
Speaker 1:It's appearance, it's a desire to, to look better, but because the, the, the looking better is just is just like a, like you said, a consequence of your efforts. Yeah, but the effort's got to come first and the appearance is a lagging indicator for better or for worse, for sure. So when you look at, when you have that, you know, oh shit, moment in the mirror, like I just described, it's because of all the fucking things that were going on up until that moment past year, the year, yeah, the past three years, the past 10 years of your life where you've just been having DoorDash, you know, but now you're like the consequences of those actions have led to you wanting to make a change.
Speaker 1:And the opposite is true as well. We make good changes and then you know look better is essentially just like is just is is. Understand that that along with that comes all of the work required, all the leading indicators that result ladding a lagging indicator of you looking better yeah, it's good fuel for the fire.
Speaker 2:You know, it's like your heart doesn't know the difference of why you do it. You're gonna get the benefits and if you want to look better, you also probably will have a better chance of being active with your kids into later age.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know so I think that like everyone understands that conceptually of just like okay, yeah, you're right, like we'll work out and we'll eat better and then I'll be healthier but I think what's really interesting, just you just bask and just paint in the ego exactly you would.
Speaker 1:But there's some really interesting studies that it's not just like, oh, you're going to feel better or you're going to look better and that's the only reason why you do it. There are some really objective truths and realities on a mass scale for people who do improve their lifestyle. It's not just, oh, you look better and and you're and you're stronger. It's like no, you're gonna like. For example, one that I heard was that for every 10 grams of dietary fiber that you increase in your diet, yeah, you extend the um, help, you extend the quality of your good years by 10. So every time, every time, you consistently add 10 grams. That's not just like, oh, I ate 10 more grams of fiber today and then tomorrow is back to zero, but like assuming. Like you go from like 10 grams of fiber to 30 grams of fiber, you've just like increased the probability of of reducing mortality rates, improving the quality of your life, by 20 by increasing fiber from 10 to 30.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's one of those things that fiber kind of makes sense in in a way, because you know you got your gut biome. I think when we talked about colon cancer. Colon cancer and that they've shown that fiber is the thing that activates the regenerative nature of the epithelial or the surface cells of your gut lining.
Speaker 1:Huge. I mean, my mom just got diagnosed with diverticulitis. Have you heard of that? Yeah, I know all about it so the thinning of your lower intestinal wall that creates these little offshoots and pooches and it just causes these crazy shooting pains.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because they often get clogged with fecal matter. It becomes very hard and calcified. Yep can become infected and so right a lot of internal bleeding that they come can come from them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and, like you know, they basically gave her two options. You know, like you have to clean up your diet, you have to start exercising, you have to take these surprise found a youth.
Speaker 1:Yeah, right, you got to clean up your diet, you got to start exercising, you got to cut out all alcohol and cigarettes and take this medication, and if you don't, then most likely within a year or two or three, we're going to have to remove a significant portion of your intestinal tract. Yeah, you just have to take it out. Yeah, take it out on the track. Yeah, you just have to take it out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, take it out, and it's a rough place because an ex of mine actually her father had it and had it bad enough that there comes a place where now you're also limited to what kind of food you can eat. That might be fibrous.
Speaker 2:So that even though the prescription might be better, food choices that include fiber. Now, you also can't eat seeds, though. So even though seeds are super high in fiber and a good way to kind of maybe include that, it's like now, because of the nature of the seed, if a seed gets into the diverticuli, the little pocket, or offshoot, the chances of it rupturing or becoming physically infected. So now it's like you've almost pigeonholed yourself all the things that could have maybe prevented it.
Speaker 1:Now you actually can't do that, no chia seeds for you even though they're one of the best fiber choices for so crazy yeah, it's really interesting so so there's like things like that. That. This is just the lesson that I think I've learned so many times in my life of just like everything is fine until it's not, nothing hurts until it does right, and then it's just like one day.
Speaker 1:And I see this you know we're getting older of. We've known people now for 20 years who were 40 when we met them and now they're 60, or now they're 70, another 80 and 20 years ago they're all fine, and now you're seeing this stuff and this is this is the lesson that if I could just put in everybody's brain. It's like don't fucking wait until it becomes urgent. Don't wait until all these important things that you know you should do oh, I know I should exercise, I know I should drink more water, I know I should, I should have more fiber in my diet all these shoulds that are just simply in the important quadrant still because they're not urgent yet. Like, don't be a fucking idiot and wait and not do them, and wait until they're in the urgent quadrant. And now you're getting rushed to the emergency room because you have stabbing pains in your stomach or you get a really scary diagnosis that could have been so fucking prevented had you just heated the omen 10, 20 years ago, right.
Speaker 2:You know, done some moderation, yeah, and it's and it's interesting because I think it's like what we talked about with our last episode of kind of having to take that responsibility for certain aspects of your life that you don't know. It's just easy to let go. Healthy levels of body fat, increased lean muscle mass, moderate to low level daily physical activity and, fundamentally, quality sleep and hydration, you know, which are all fairly accessible, all fairly free, you know. But take some degree of personal responsibility towards these things on a consistent, daily basis for a long period of time.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know, and I think it's like we were kind of talking about the setting for the episode, like it can't be a found, a youth if you stop it with with the modalities we're talking about.
Speaker 2:Like you can't just eat good for one day and then just eat garbage, even if you were in from 20 to 30, you were just on point, but then 30 on, you just let it all go like you have might have helped, but fundamentally you're not going to increase those long, those years, and you're not going to increase the quality of the years. And you know, and again, as to what just was saying is like there's hard science that shows. You know, for example, like 15 minutes of physical activity a day, uh, one study showed three-year increased life expectancy 15 minutes 15 minutes and then the same thing.
Speaker 2:There was another study that basically showed anywhere from a half a year to nine years to nine years of an increased lifespan from just doing something like walking every day.
Speaker 1:But ethan, my uncle, ate bacon and smoked a pack of cigarettes every day and lived to be 90 totally, and you know the thing. We don't have certain control, certain things, and I do you know, genetic variance is huge, right, like, unquestionably like.
Speaker 2:It's like lung cancer, like most of most, lung cancer is based on a genetic, genetic inheritance and obviously if you smoke with that and genetic inheritance you're going to be much worse off. But if you don't have it, there's a chance you could smoke until you're 100 to be fine and also like that's just fucking anecdotal and that's all the exactly like.
Speaker 1:Yes, we all have a grandma or an uncle that like defied all probability, but the fact is is that we're not like. These are meta studies over decades with thousands of people, or collecting hundreds of studies and aggregating this information. It's like, yes, is it a hundred percent risk factor that you're going to die of lung cancer?
Speaker 2:you smoke, no it's not a not 100.
Speaker 1:It just goes from like a 10 chance to like a 60 chance, yeah, so there's still going to be plenty of people in that margin who got half, that can lucky yeah but but like I don't want to go from like it being basically null and void to like, oh shoot, it's like a 60 chance that I might die of this if I continue this behavior, like that's not a risk that I want, a 60% chance that I might die of this if I continue this behavior, like that's not a risk that I want to take. Right, and that's the thing, right. So, yes, everyone has their uncle that you know whatever landed on his head, jumping out of a helicopter from 10,000 feet. Yeah, I mean, it's really the truth. But most people would die 100%. Most people would die.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I think there's you know it goes like we we've done episodes on lean muscle mass, which to me is going to be equated to weight training or some type of resistance training, whether it's just some calisthenics or whatever it is. But basically again, especially in the elderly way decreased mortality rate, especially from injury and broken bones and things of that nature, also from deep illnesses. So if you did happen to get a cancer or happen to have some type of you know pneumonia or something, that increase in lean muscle mass means you're going to survive longer. But one of the things that is interesting also about increased lean muscle mass is that even those with higher adipose fat aka even if you're a little on the overweight side the more lean muscle mass you have, the less you are likely to succumb to metabolic disease and all types of things. And so you know there's we're kind of naming the like, the five pillars of like watch what you eat so you don't get overweight and fat, do some resistance training so you have lean mass. Just keep your body moving consistently.
Speaker 2:You don't gotta be sprinting, but just ride a bike, walk your dogs just do, walk do something pick a routine that makes sense for your life, because I I know a for you, because.
Speaker 1:I know a lot of people overthink it and they're like, okay, but I heard like walking is really good, so I'm going to walk 10,000 steps. And I heard like cardio for my VO2 max and I got to do strength training. And then I think what happens is like people just keep stacking on more and more and more of what they hear is the right thing until it just reaches this critical mass and then they just can't support anymore and they quit and they go back to nothing. I think the most important thing is to just find what makes sense to you. What can you commit to? Is that just like one or two full body weight training sessions a week? And? But you can always go out for a 20-30 minute walk with your dog every day. You know what?
Speaker 2:that's gonna do great wonders.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's great huge yeah, but like don't, it doesn't need to be all or nothing where if I can't do all the things that I hear is important, then you know I'm a failure. It's just well. What can you do? And just hunker down on that right, just do what we can.
Speaker 2:Yeah, 100%. I mean, I was on this podcast with what's that bald guy? Who's the doctor Isvertel.
Speaker 2:Yes, super smart, super smart guy, but he was talking about just like what it might take to reach a certain muscle mass and lean strength level. So, yeah, you might have to work out two, three, four times a week and kind of in order to progress to a certain point, but that generally maintaining a degree of strength and lean mass style fitness that we're talking about only takes one to two hours a week. Yeah, so acquiring something new definitely will take some extra effort, but you can maintain at least, if not even potentially, if you do it right, get gains over time. If you're consistent with he was literally saying, one one-hour workout a day can maintain your lean mass if you do it right, a week, yeah.
Speaker 2:It might take three times to really progress to something substantial and new.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but one or two hours a week can be something that can maintain or even potentially increase as low as like one or two sets per muscle group per week is all you really need to like kind of maintain a strength level.
Speaker 2:So it's. You know, it's one of those things I think that people do overestimate and take on too much, and I think it's like anything else with behavior change and modification is that the consistency matters, and it's exactly what you're talking about of it being those incremental steps. You know, if, if taking on 10,000 steps is just too much and you can't figure out how to make it work in your day but you can commit to 5,000, then over a couple months there's a good chance you could probably find out how to make up 6,000.
Speaker 1:Or maybe you find that just you know, during the week it's just not realistic to do 10,000 every day, but you can definitely do five. But then the weekends you have more time and you can get like 15,000. And so maybe now your average throughout the week is more like seven or eight, and now you're kind of like in the upper threshold of, like you know, what's considered to be optimal. So there's so many different paths to arrive at the same destination, and part of this journey of constructing your life and designing what this fitness life is going to look like for you is being open to kind of figuring your moving into your own style and finding your own thing.
Speaker 2:Like I'm not going to go to bootcamp classes.
Speaker 1:I'm just not Like you could not pay me, I would pay to not go. Yeah, yeah, I mean I feel that. But get me with some like good old fashioned strength training, with some bodybuilding in there, like I'm in. And could one make the argument that, yeah, but, dude, you're missing out on like all this, like heart and brain health benefit from the cardiovascular, and I would agree with you Right, and I'm still not going to do it.
Speaker 1:But what I can do is do a classic strength training workout four times a week, religiously, and so the way I see it is like listen, there's marginal benefit to intensity and to, you know, just like frequency. But the marginal benefit that one gets from increasing intensity also comes with a price to pay, and that makes, and so as the intensity increases, the adherence tends to lower. And so where I think a lot of people mess up is they get so caught up in like was this enough? But what they're not factoring into that equation is well, if it is quote unquote enough. As far as intensity, how much is that inhibiting my ability to be consistent? Because none of this matters if we quit, none of this matters if we're inconsistent.
Speaker 1:And so my argument for moderate intensity is that it's much more easy to adhere and be compliant and be consistent, with moderate intensity, and a person is going to be over the course of a decade, let's say, and someone can show up three times a week religiously and it's just, by all standards, a very moderate workout, but they show up consistently. They're going to be in way better shape after a decade than the person who keeps going after these intense six-week challenges or these really intense boot camps and they ended up burning out, they miss a month because they're just exhausted. It's like the volatility and the swings and the fits and starts and the inconsistency. Man, you know, use it or lose it. If you take a month off, you just lost it.
Speaker 1:You just lost the last six months of progress by taking a month off, you know, and so that's my argument. That's a harsh, that's a pretty. But I also think, you lost, like at least I would say there's definitely still like a three to one ratio, like if you train? For three months and then took a month off.
Speaker 2:It depends on, I think it's how long you do I think who the person is.
Speaker 2:Yes, there's 100, but I also would agree with you, though, in the sense because there's a chance of injury right, especially as you get older, with the increase in intensity, right when you start going for it. Right, and you get that look in your eye, especially as you get older, it you know the the odd of an injury which will definitely take you out and remove that time and remove the consistency totally, is going in there. And it's one thing to maybe be on your last set of bicep curls and you're like you know what, I'm really going to go for it Fairly safe, fairly straightforward movement. You're already all warmed up and you're just like you know what, like let's just really push this last set and you just go to failure, that's fine.
Speaker 2:You know you're gritting your teeth, but it's not necessarily the same as like a crazy boot camp with maybe a very minimal mean. Even the example today I was talking to Justin right before this, about how I kind of tweaked my lower back, demonstrating some like handstands and cartwheel movements to these clients. Now of course I was cold, I was teaching the session.
Speaker 2:You know, and I haven't done those movements in a while and I was just kind of being sloppy. I was kind of just like demoing some stuff. I wasn't necessarily in the mindset of like I'm exercising, which I tend to like try to really be form centric. I was just kind of like doing a quick demo and just cold and it's, it's fine. I'm not like crippled by it or anything, but it's just one of those things where it takes that one little moment. But now I will deal with this for about a week, probably four or five days, and yeah you know, it just takes that one little moment of offset.
Speaker 2:And I think what's interesting is that those movements to me have such opportunity for intensities that aren't necessarily mitigated control. I mean, I haven't done a cartwheel in a very long time and I think if I train them consistently, really warmed up, got myself prepared, included them in my workouts and treated them with the proper, like progressive approach, but it's like yeah, a hundred percent, but now I did it and so it's kind of a movement that's really easy to have one little piece of it be too much, and here we are, especially as we get older.
Speaker 2:So it's just one of those things that I think, no matter how we look at it, that especially with our movement, practice like that, just as long as we can keep doing it you know cause now, like I, I'm not going to be squatting or deadlifting or doing any type of or at least a week.
Speaker 1:Probably a week yeah, that sets you back. So then it's two weeks since your last leg workout and that sucks. Yeah, exactly, legs are already hard enough to get excited about anyway, you got to know that after it's been two weeks I'm going to be sore as shit. I'm just going to work in there.
Speaker 2:So if I don't stretch and do some body work, and all that kind of stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so it's one of it and that, no matter what you engaging in exercise is going to prevent things like this from happening. Right, and I'll admit like I just didn't do it the right way and or I haven't done those movements in a long time and I think if I was just even warm and treating it like exercise, it would have been little different, but it was just kind of like the laissez-faire, like let me just demo this real quick.
Speaker 2:But it's also like we were saying that the quality of life that you have during your years. So we're kind of talking about extending life, but I think that point that Justin brought up is so important because the more you move your body, the more you're going to be able to get up and down off the floor without pain, right? I mean, that's like. That's that right. There is a test I think for for individuals like over 50 or 60 is like can you sit down without your hands in a cross legged position?
Speaker 2:So you're just standing and you just drop to your ass to the floor on a cross leg, like classic, like sit on the floor, cross leg and then stand back up, and the degree of your ability to do that will determine how long you will live.
Speaker 1:You know what I mean?
Speaker 2:I believe it, yeah, and you look at people, even if they're not old. I mean, I see people in their fifties that are like, getting onto the floor is hard, yeah, and I think that's just like a really easy descriptor of like, well, if you were to like fall and hurt your hip or you know and and. But think about if you exercise all the time. Your joints, your knees, your hips are used to getting up and down, you're used to lunging, you're used to getting on and off the floor for pushups, you know. I mean, I've heard of practices where people keep their bed off of a bed frame so that in order to sleep, every night they have to get onto the floor. And that simple practice, like, especially in like other, like third world countries and things of like how elderly have crazy hip mobility, is simply because they sleep on the floor and every day they have to get down off the floor, whereas I think in Western culture, as an example, if you're not doing anything on the floor, you could go 20 years without getting on the floor.
Speaker 1:There are literally things you can buy If you ever watch those infomercials that are clearly directed towards people over 50 or 60, there's contraptions you can buy now to put your own socks on, because the people are just too fat.
Speaker 2:You just can't touch, they can't. So it's like this little.
Speaker 1:It's like this little thing, it's like a little fishing line and they just hold it out and they can just slip it in yeah slip your own socks like your socks on, and I think it's.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's to what you said if you use it or lose it. And so yeah, if you spend 20 years sitting on a couch, sitting in a car seat, sitting in an office chair and then sitting on a bed and every piece sitting in a couch. Yeah, it's always tight your toilet, probably being the lowest thing that you sit on, yeah, and then all of a sudden, like you fall down or your keys are on the floor and it's like well, you know, it's just, it's just a good example of how the quality of your life, especially you got kids and that's how, yeah, exactly
Speaker 1:and like that's how, and that's what we mean when we say like fountain of youth is that it's just like when something happens to you, it can take you out or it can just be a bump in the road, and what's going to determine that outcome is everything that you're doing up until that point, for real Right.
Speaker 1:And so if we get in a car accident, it can be, oh man, maybe a little tweaked neck or a sore back, or maybe that broke your hip. Yeah, for real. And you know, depending on how old you are and how feeble you are, a broken hip is kind of like the last stop before you know coffin town.
Speaker 2:I mean, yeah, I a lot of my mom's friends, literally just in that cliche sense. However sad it like, literally fell, broke her hip everything was fine, had the surgery to fix it and that was it, you know.
Speaker 1:And she died, yeah yes, because like it takes a lot and so. But then another angle to that is you know, had you been exercising up until that point, doing your squats, your lunges?
Speaker 2:Just a simple glute bridge.
Speaker 1:Maybe that hip break maybe not would not even have happened.
Speaker 2:Okay, or it could have been a fracture.
Speaker 1:Or maybe it did happen, but because you had extra muscle mass on you, the break wouldn't have been so bad, it could have just been more of a fracture. Maybe you could have avoided surgery altogether. Or maybe maybe, worst case scenario, maybe you did have to go to surgery, but just your ability to survive surgery 100 survival rate after surgery because of the extra 10 pounds of muscle mass you have from exercising for your whole life tissue capacity was just enough to kind of sustain your strength and ability to to recover from that surgery.
Speaker 1:But if you go on that surgery with just skinny fat, no muscle tissue, no bone density, you know the surgery is rough it is for a 20 year old, it's rough. A 80 year old, oh man, seven year old. You start to see it's not so great.
Speaker 2:You know, rocks that boat, and this is the fountain of youth.
Speaker 1:This is why, if you're listening to this podcast, you're probably 25 to 55 years old. If you're not doing some basic form of strength training 15 minutes a few times a week, when the inevitable incident in life happens, you just don't want to lose that fight because you didn't take care of yourself. If you lose the fight because you just lose the fight, it is what it is, you know, and no one gets out alive, but you don't want to lose the fight. In the fight, I mean, of course it could be anything, An actual fight with somebody, a car accident, falling down the stairs.
Speaker 2:You don't want to lose that battle Slipping on a bar of soap who knows?
Speaker 1:Yeah, you don't want to lose that battle because of the things you didn't do leading up to that. Yeah, if life gets you, but you've done everything you could have to prepare yourself and just got the best. No one's perfect, you can't. But man oh man can you avert disaster so many times in your life by simply just doing the groundwork and being consistent with some basics?
Speaker 2:100% and to bring it back to the healthy vanity that we all seek. You know, to me it's also like you got to think about. You know, our whole system. We're made of water. Our whole system is just this constant mechanism and pumps and valves and flushings and metabolic waste and this, and just on a you know the simple kind of idea of just stagnancy tends to be bogged down and diseased. Again, we talked about it. You look at a creek and you got that little offshoot of water.
Speaker 1:An ecosystem.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's like that's where all like the pollution and the foam might build up. You see the health of the water from not where it's flowing, but from where there's that little stagnant pool. And it's just so clear that when things fluids, you know any type of molecule waste. Yeah, like again the glycogen pump, like you've talked about.
Speaker 2:it's one thing if you just don't overeat carbohydrate and calories, but it's also a different thing when you make your muscles use the glycogen that's stored so that that becomes an empty space. There's the metabolic and then gets filled again, and the process of exchanging the molecules versus just letting the glycogen sit in there from not being used, whether you're overeating or not, is a whole different process. And then I think just avoiding stagnancy by being generally a healthy active, by walking and by drinking your water is just one of the ways that, to me, will just make a person look that much better through every inch of all your capillaries and your venous return, all of the cells having increased movement of the metabolic waste into the lymphatic system, which gets brought back to the heart and gets excreted through our bowels, urine and skin. You know it's just like the whole system just needs to get pumped that whole flow.
Speaker 1:You got to keep that channel clear. And when you are sedentary and you're eating overly processed food, that's just, you know, just a glut of calories. Your body can't even metabolize it. What do you think is going to happen, man? What would happen if that little pond we just described there all of a sudden one channel of it got blocked up and there was all this inflow but there was no outflow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's no movement, right.
Speaker 1:It just starts to stagnate and build mildew and the water becomes acidic and the fish starts to die off and the water turns brown. And now it's just like now it's a biohazard, yep well our bodies are not that fucking different they really aren't you know, like if we don't keep that channel clear through maintaining a good calorie intake on average, exerting ourselves a little bit every day and just keep pushing, just keep pushing that stuff through our body, that, that right there is the fountain of youth 100 it really is, because it's otherwise everything.
Speaker 2:like you said, it just builds up and all the all the stuff that should be eliminated doesn't get eliminated as fast. You know, like our veins, our lymphatic system, which is the system primarily involved in removing waste, has only got like a muscle pump and gravity pump. So if you don't flex your muscles or change your limb positions and things I mean that's why we have lymph nodes in our armpits and our groin and neck is because those are high areas of squish. So if you think about doing a squat, all of a sudden your groin area is getting squished and opened up, squished and opened up, and same for, like any arm movement.
Speaker 2:If you think about a push-up or a row, all of a sudden your armpit's being squeezed and so there's, this collection of lymph nodes there so that the lymph fluid builds, and every time we do some type of repetition or movement, you're literally mechanically pumping the lymph nodes to get stuff.
Speaker 1:To return to the heart, it's important that people understand that lymphatic system is not like your like, like your circulatory system. There's no heartbeat in your lymphatic system, correct? Yeah, it's a one-way system that relies solely on the contraction of your muscle in order to pull things out and through, but lymphatic system is essentially the cleanup crew that removes metabolic waste from ourselves and so and so if we're sedentary, we're not moving. Well, it doesn't take a phd in biomechanics to understand that, like, hey, your lymph, your lymph system isn't, isn't moving, which means that you're not processing and expelling metabolic waste yeah.
Speaker 2:Well then, where's the metabolic waste?
Speaker 1:it's just sitting there, man, so exercising builds muscle and crucif bone density all that good stuff. But it also contracts your muscles, which then pumps lymphatic system. Squeezes the tubes of toothpaste.
Speaker 2:Which then?
Speaker 1:just clears out that metabolic waste gets it through your kidneys so you can piss it out or shit it out, right, yeah, exactly, or sweat it out.
Speaker 2:Mainly those two.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so that's one of the many reasons why you've got to move your ass. You've got to get that body moving.
Speaker 2:If you're not breaking a sweat ever in your life. You're just not moving that system the same way. Yeah, and so it's again. It's like there is literally accessible avenues that are in beauty creams or plastic surgery or magic detox pill sets and they're boring a little bit. Comparatively they're not as shimmery and shiny as the five-day bone broth. You know cleanse and you know they think it's. And yeah, and again, I do think fasting has value for the things we're talking about, but not as much value as the consistent practice of everything we just named.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. So things we're talking about, but not as much value as the consistent practice of everything we just named. Yeah, yeah. So. So you know, just to recap fountain of youth you gotta move your ass I think, no matter what no matter, you should get your, you should get your nutrition tight, but like, if just purely like talking, just health, I think, exercise I would.
Speaker 2:I would put it first truly that that just then.
Speaker 1:Actually, then, nutrition and the basics are just just get your fruits and veggies in man. Like, honestly, if there's like, okay, you could try calories, great, like that's what I do. Or you could just like make good food choices. Most of the time, yeah, it's just single source ingredients real single source single ingredient and then just every plate have fruits and veggies.
Speaker 1:So you have that dietary fiber, because the the mortality drop-off rate when someone eats over 30 grams of dietary fiber a day is insane yeah so fitness nutrition, um, and then uh and then, uh, you know, just really making sure that you're not getting too caught up and like it has to be a certain way about it, but being open-minded enough to be flexible with your approach, just like, hey, it doesn't have it, could you? It could be yoga, it could be bodybuilding, it could be just walking the dog, but you got it surfing mountain biking whatever is consistent, whatever you can just be consistent with, right yeah get some good sleep, drink your water?
Speaker 2:yeah, for sure. You know we're all live to 120.
Speaker 1:We'll see we might, and I bet you there's gonna be some like crazy medical ai breakthrough that we'll just figure out all this disease and we'll all live to be 150 years old.
Speaker 2:I bet you that'll happen in our lifetime no, I would probably the next 10 years.
Speaker 1:The way things are, quantum leaping, episode 43. I think that'll do it for today. Catch you guys next time. Peace out, bye.